How To Use

How To Use – The Mega Collection

Ancestry is the world’s largest genealogy search website which currently has 20 billion records. With that many records how can you get the most from this site and how exactly can you use

How To Use

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Well, this Mega Collection can help you get the very best from this site. It is packed full of useful resources where most of which are downloadable.

And that means that you can start immediately to gain the benefits from Ancestry. Mega Collection
Rating and Details

RatingRating Stars - 4(4/5)
ResourcesA book, eight digital downloads, a web seminar, and two video downloads
PriceWas $421.89 – Now $89.99 (saving $331.90 – save 78%)
Shipping CostFree shipping within the US!
AvailabilityShips worldwide!
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Buying these 12 resources would normally cost you a staggering $421.89.

But buying this complete collection that contains a book, together with video and digital downloads, and a web seminar altogether can give you a 78% saving.

All of this for just $89.99!

Credit:   Ancestry

Sure does sound tempting, doesn’t it?

But what does it contain and what can you get from this collection? Well keep reading and I will show you how you can benefit from this aid.

What can Ancestry offer you?

On the Ancestry website, you can build your family tree. You will start with your name and details. Then you can add your parents and then grandparents.

As you enter names and dates of your ancestors’ hints will appear that are linked to records.

Unofficial Guide to

These records include people with the same names as your ancestors.

So, by checking these records you may find even more facts about your family’s past that you did not even know about.

The types of records that you can expect to find on Ancestry include certificates (birth, death, and marriage), Censuses, voter lists, passenger lists, and more.

There is also a community of members that you can connect to and get help from. These community members also make public their family tree accessible.

So, you could find a family connection between you and a member.

As you may already know Ancestry is the biggest genealogy search website online.

Not only do they have the services and features that I have already discussed but they also offer DNA testing.

This type of testing can help you break down brick walls that you may encounter during your research.

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Who Is This Collection For and Why Should You Buy It? does help the family historian in so many ways. As there are several services and features that are offered to you may wonder if you are using them fully.

How To Use

By not getting the most from them then your genealogy research will suffer. Effectively you are not building up the whole picture of your ancestors’ lives.

Why buy this collection?

  • Find out all that has to offer, or
  • As an existing subscriber, you want to use the services to their potential.
  • Find out about the many new Ancestry features that have been added.
  • Search the website more efficiently and effectively, and
  • Get better results from the searches.
  • Want to know what DNA testing is all about and how Ancestry can help you.

What You Can Learn From This Collection

The Ancestry website offers a lot of information to the genealogist. But to get the most out of this resource we need to know where to look.

We also need to know how to perform proper searches so that we can get the best possible results.

How To Use

We all want to find our ancestors amongst the records that this genealogy search website contains. But we also want to find everything about our ancestors as well.

And this is where this collection comes in.

You will learn the following:

  • All the different types of records that are available to you and how to find them.
  • Information about all of the databases, records, images, transcriptions, collections, and catalogs.
  • How to find information that is relevant to your family history research.
  • Guides and strategies to get the best results from Ancestry’s search engine.
  • How to get the most from Ancestry as their website evolves.
  • Time-saving tricks to help you get your results fast.
  • What DNA testing Ancestry offers, what you can learn from the results and how to incorporate them into your family history.

How To Use

The Mega Collection Includes

How To Use

Alright, so at this stage, you are probably wondering what exactly is in this collection anyway?

Well, I can tell you that by purchasing the MEGA Collection you will get TWELVE resources at a heavily discounted price.

These resources include a book, eight digital downloads, a web seminar, and two video downloads.

As the majority of the resources within this collection are digital products then this will mean that you can begin straight away.

You will be able to start using the Ancestry website and using it to its’ potential. All while you are waiting for your book to arrive in the mail.

This complete collection of twelve resources would normally cost a whopping $421.89, but thanks to Shop Family Tree you can get it for an astoundingly low price of $89.99.

How To Use

Titles included in this collection:

Unofficial Guide to (Book) – $24.99

An in-depth practical guide that will show you step-by-step strategies for using effectively and efficiently.

From this book, you will learn what record collections are available to you.

And also you will get tips on how to manage your family tree, how to use the advanced search feature on this genealogy website to get to your ancestors, and other useful tips and guides besides.

How to Navigate the New (Digital Download) – $39.99

As any website evolves you will need to learn about the changes that are happening on the world’s biggest genealogy search website.

From this guide, you will learn what you need to know about getting the most from this website.

Master the New (Web Seminar Download) – $49.99

Again another guide, this time a video presentation, that will help you get the most from the Ancestry website.

Not only are new features to this site discussed but also a new tool for genealogists, DNA. All of this is presented to you by genealogist Nancy Hendrickson.

Master Hints (Video Download) – $39.99

Learn how to get the most from Ancestry’s hints feature with this video guide. You can also learn the principles behind generating hints from this guide.

Become an Power User (Digital Download) – $99.99

Learn advanced strategies that you can use for searching for your ancestors. Learn as well the fun features within family trees on this website.

This guide will also show you what record collections are available on Ancestry.

All About AncestryDNA (Digital Download) – $49.99

A 60-minute video presentation was given to you by genealogist Blaine T Bettinger. Here you will get an in-depth look at DNA testing with AncestryDNA.

You will learn what Ancestry has to offer you with this testing and also how to use the results that you will get back from your test sample. Search Secrets (Digital Download) – $49.99

Another 60-minute video will show you tips and tricks for searching for your ancestors on the world’s biggest genealogy search website.

This video is presented by Laura G Prescott where she will show you vital, immigration, and census records, and also the best approach to sifting the enormous of information that can be found on this site. Cheat Sheet (Digital Download)  – $9.99

A very handy reference guide that can show you at a glance the best search strategies that you can use when traversing Ancestry’s collection of records.

Here you will get help to find relevant databases, troubleshooting tips, how to find free information on Ancestry, as well as much more.

10 Easy Tips for Using (Digital Download) – $4.00

10 easy tips that will help you get on your way with using Ancestry.

You can learn what is free on the site, how to search the records that are available to you, and also explore family trees on

How to Use (Video Download) – $19.99

A video demonstration that will show you how to use the filters on the search feature of the site.

From here you will learn how to either narrow your search or broaden it to get more results.

Errors on Why They Happen & How to Correct Them (Digital Download) – $19.99

If you do find errors on then it is always best to inform the right person so that the changes can be made and that other researchers can benefit from the right information.

Here you will learn how to correct any inaccurate record that you may find on this genealogy site.

How to Search the Card Catalog (Digital Download) – $12.99

The Card Catalog will help you to pinpoint the collections that are right for you.

This video demonstration will give you a step-by-step approach to doing just that.

How To Use

My Final Thoughts

When we are researching our family’s history we all want to get the most out of the resource that we are using. To do so, we need a guide to show us the way.

And that is where this collection comes in useful. These 12 useful guides will show you how to use the Ancestry website to its’ potential.

Sure we can all search an online database, but are we all doing it the right way? Are we getting the best results and truly finding what we are looking for? Probably not!

How To Use

When we first start to search for our ancestors we are all new to the genealogy world. All these terms, strategies, and plans that are used when tracing our family history are all new and pretty much alien to us.

We need to be shown the way so that we can get the results that we are after.

When we are tracing our roots we all want to know as much about our ancestors as possible. We want to uncover every stone along our journey and discover everything about our ancestors.

We not only owe it to ourselves but to the generations to come that will look back at our work.

Also, the savings that you get from purchasing this Mega Collection is a bonus – an incredible $300. So, with that much more money in your pocket, you could purchase certificates and documents for your research.

By saving money with this collection you can prove 100% with records that you have bought a family connection.

So, what better way to help you on your genealogy journey than by getting these guides.

What do you think?

If you decide to buy this helpful collection then please come back and let me know what you think of it. I would love to hear from you.

How To Use

Get This Mega Collection Now

Further Information!

Besides purchasing this awesome collection of resources why not head on over to 4 Your Family Story.

There you will find 5 Tips To Get You Unstuck On to help you get the most from the world’s most popular genealogy search website.

Thank You and Please Leave A Comment

I hope you enjoyed reading this review about the Mega Collection and how it can help you. If you have any questions or comments then please leave a comment below.

Please share with family and friends if you think this post will help others by using the social media buttons below.

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Author Rating
Aggregate Rating
4.5 based on 3 votes
Brand Name
Shop Family Tree
Product Name Mega Collection
USD $89.99
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18 thoughts on “How To Use – The Mega Collection”

  1. Glad I found your site!.I’m contemplating in starting this journey of searching for my ancestry.
    The reason I’m contemplating is I’m born in North America (first generation) and my parents and all of my family are from Europe. I think I will get stuck to receive information about my ancestors in Europe. Any ideas how to get around that? Is there ancestry europe?

  2. Hi Owain. This was an interesting read. I never really thought about my ancestors and how for into the past it really goes. Now that I do my head is spinning:). Can I use the ancestry website if I am not from the Us or another English speaking country.? Thank you for your reply.

    1. Thank you for enjoying my post on how to use At present this site is catered for the English speaking world. They do continually add a lot of information all the time. I can see that it will be only a matter of time before they branch out into other languages and countries. Hope this information helps you

  3. Great information! I’ve thought for a while now about tracing back our family tree, but just haven’t had the time to do so. My sister-in-law (my husband’s sister) spent some time researching her family tree and I think she used It’s amazing how much information is out there – she discovered that her family is related to a General who fought in the Civil War (in the US). Pretty fascinating stuff. 🙂

    1. It is amazing just how much information is out there. Also information is being added all the time as well, so it is worth always checking what you can find. I myself went kept going back and checking.

      That’s very interesting about her family being related to a General from the Civil War. It’s little gems like that that bring the family story to life.

  4. Hi Owain!
    I´ve never heard about Ancestry and that´s why I´m happy that you wrote this helpful overview. It seems to help while generating your family tree and more. I like the style you write and the easy structure of this site.
    All the best

    1. I am glad that you found this helpful to you. Ancestry can help genealogists in so many ways, from building your tree to giving hints and also DNA testing. Also, ancestry obtain more and more records all the time so it is well worth joining them.

  5. I wonder if genealogy websites, or at least the one that you have mentioned, is only limited to people from a specific country or region?

    If someone were to live in Asia, would he be able to still find out his family’s history through Ancestry? Anyway, your review of the books is great. It will sure be helpful to people who are new to Ancestry.


    1. At the moment these genealogy search websites are limited to the English speaking countries. As they grow I imagine that in time they will include Asian countries

  6. Actually this collection help me about saving time. I have been losing time a lot for researching ancestry. It is good that there is strategy and guide for searching. great info.

    1. This collection can save you both time and improve your search results. With these guides you will be able to make connections with living relatives and find out information on your ancestors. All the best with your genealogy research.

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