Trace Your Colonial Ancestry Collection

Your Revolutionary War Ancestors – Trace Your Colonial Ancestry Collection

Do you know what your ancestors did during America’s War of Independence? Do you want to trace your Revolutionary War Ancestry but don’t know how to? Just where exactly do you look?

Trace Your Colonial Ancestry Collection

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Well, then the Trace Your Colonial Ancestry Collection is, therefore, a resource that will be helpful to you.

Please read on and I will show you how.

Trace Your Colonial Ancestry Collection
Rating and Details

RatingRating Stars - 4(4/5)
ResourcesAn ebook, a PDF download, and three video downloads
PriceWas $96.96 – Now $34.99 (saving $61.97 – save 64%)
Shipping CostFree shipping within the US!
AvailabilityShips worldwide!
BUY HERE   ==>Shop Family Tree

To buy these 5 resources would normally cost you $96.96.

But if buy this complete collection that contains an ebook, together with a PDF download and video downloads that all together can give you a 64% saving.

All of this for a very low $34.99!

Credit:   Ancestry

Sure does sound tempting, doesn’t it?

But what does it contain and what can you get from this collection?

Well, keep reading and I will show you how you can benefit from this aid.

What was the American Revolutionary War about?

This war has also been referred to as the American War of Independence and as well the Revolutionary War.

It was a war that saw thirteen east American colonies fight against Great Britain as they wanted to gain independence from them.

But why would these colonies need to fight against Britain to get their rights you may be wondering?

Well even before the war began there were protests and boycotts against the British.

These colonies were unhappy with the royal authority that was governing their lives. Not only did they rebel against Britain but also the Loyalist sympathizers.

One famous incident that has been referred to as the Boston Tea Party occurred in 1773 at Boston Harbor. During the demonstration, the protestors set fire to a shipment of tea.

And this is how this episode in America’s history was named.

Britain retaliates and soon the war started!

The British would soon retaliate against this hostility and punish the state of Massachusetts by taking away their rights to govern their state.

They would though soon form a shadow government and join twelve other colonies who would fight against the British.

The state of Massachusetts would see the start of the war on April 19th, 1775. On this date, the British tried to seize munitions that the state possessed.

This was not a quick affair as it lasted for ten months with the result that the British had to ultimately evacuate.

The Declaration of Independence was thus signed on July 4th, 1775.

And so began an eight-year war that lasted until September 3rd, 1783 when the Treaty of Paris was signed.

After the war had ended Britain did finally recognize this new sovereignty of the United States.

So if you want to trace your colonial ancestry then this collection is for you!

Further Information!

Why not head on over to Wikipedia for a more comprehensive guide to this important time in American history.

Credit:   History of Wars

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Why Purchase the Trace Your Colonial Ancestry Collection?

Top 25 Tips For Finding Your Colonial Ancestors

Finding a Revolutionary War connection within your family can both be exciting and interesting to include in your family’s history.

Just who were they, what side who they on, and what happened to them during the war?

All of these questions you will want to know the answers to.

But where do you start and why is this collection for you?

Well this Trace Your Colonial Ancestry Collection is for you if you:

  • Want to find out what resources are available to you for finding your colonial ancestry.
  • Believe you have a connection to this era in America and you want to discover more. Know your ancestor fought in the Revolutionary War or contributed in some way.
  • Want to find out what resources are available to you for finding your colonial ancestry.
  • Want to put together this part of your family’s history.
  • Want to break down any genealogy brick walls that you have encountered whilst researching your colonial ancestors.

What You Can Learn From This Collection

The Trace Your Colonial Ancestry Collection can help you in many ways whilst researching this line of your family’s past.

There may be many challenges that you will encounter and resources that you will want to know about to aid you with this research.

So, you may be wondering what can you learn from this collection?

You can learn the following:

  • Useful tips for discovering your Revolutionary War ancestors and beyond this period in American history.
  • Background information on this era and how it may have affected your ancestors.
  • Just what records are available to you for researching during this time.
  • How the Daughters of American Revolution (DAR) database can help you and how to use it.
  • How to use the many library systems that are available to find existing genealogies, records, and collections.
  • Tips to trace your colonial ancestors’ immigration.
  • Where exactly did the different ethnicities relocate to?
  • Many unknown strategies can help you track down records connected to your family history.
  • How to use both service and pension records.

Researching Revolutionary War Ancestors

The Trace Your Colonial Ancestry Collection Includes

Using to Research Early American Ancestors

By now you are probably wondering what this Colonial Ancestry Collection has to offer.

Well then, this collection comprises a total of FIVE digital resources that you can download and utilize straight away.

There is an ebook, a PDF download, and three video downloads within this collection.

As these products are digital then you can download them immediately.

You can begin your research into this era of your American past right now today!

You do not have to wait for any products to be delivered to you and so no time is wasted if you buy this collection.

Normally this collection does cost $96.96, but if you purchase through Shop Family Tree then you can get this collection for a low $34.99.

That is an incredible 64% saving.

Titles included in this collection:

Top 25 Tips for Finding Your Colonial Ancestors (Video Download) – $49.99

If you have ever tried to find your colonial ancestors you will know just how tricky it can be. This can be due to the inconsistent practices of recording names and events, and also the fact that records have also been burnt or are missing.

However, there are strategies that you can use to trace your ancestors to before the Revolutionary War.

This video will show you the top 25 tips to help you succeed in finding your colonial ancestors.

Researching Revolutionary War Ancestors (Video Download) – $29.99

Your ancestor may have been involved in the Revolutionary War, or they may have even been a bystander.

Well, no matter how the war affected your ancestor this webinar will show you resources that will help you to discover your Revolutionary War ancestors.

Using to Research Early American Ancestors (Video Download) – $39.99

This is a 30-minute video that will give you an insider’s guide to researching your American ancestors back to Colonial days.

This video will show you the plentiful resources that can be found at DAR.

From this guide, you will learn how to use this online resource and so research the thousands of records, files, and also genealogies that have been traced back to the Revolutionary War.

Your Revolutionary War Ancestors

The Genealogist’s U.S. History Pocket Reference (ebook) – $14.99

This ebook will give you important dates and facts from early American and Colonial history. If you know of historical events then you will gain a deeper understanding of your ancestors’ lives.

This guide though will also help you to pinpoint and create a strategy for researching your ancestry.

Tutorial: Searching Daughters of the American Revolution Databases (PDF Download) – $1.99

There are six steps to be found within this PDF file. These steps will help you to tap into the genealogy information DAR that has been collected ever since its founding.

My Final Thoughts

Adding any connection to America’s past can make your family’s history more interesting. You will want to know everything about them.

Who were they, what side did they fight on and what did they do during America’s War of Independence?

Your Revolutionary War Ancestors

You can always find the name and date of your ancestor and make a connection.

But for any genealogist, we want to go further than this.

We want to detail the lives of our ancestors and how any important event may have affected them.

This collection can help you research your colonial ancestors.

It will help tell their story and add a new chapter, (or a rather old chapter), to your family’s history.

You will then be able to preserve this history for generations to come.

And as this collection does contain digital products then you can immediately start tracing your colonial ancestors.

There is no time wasted by waiting for a book to arrive in the mail.

You can begin your colonial research straight away when you purchase the resources in this collection.

What do you think?

If you decide to buy any of this helpful collection then please come back and let me know what you think of it. I would love to hear how it is working for you.

Trace Your Colonial Ancestry Collection

==> Check Out This Collection For Yourself! <==

Further Information!

To get more help with tracing your colonial ancestors why not head on over to Family Tree Magazine.

There you will find Genealogy Tips for Tracing Your Colonial and Early American Ancestors that will also show you many resources that you can use for your research.

Thank You and Please Leave A Comment

I hope you enjoyed reading this review about the Trace Your Colonial Ancestry Collection and how it can help you find your revolutionary war ancestors. If you have any questions or comments then please leave a comment below.

Please share with family and friends if you think this post will help others by using the social media buttons below.

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Trace Your Colonial Ancestry Collection
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10 thoughts on “Your Revolutionary War Ancestors – Trace Your Colonial Ancestry Collection”

  1. Hello Owain, this is a very interesting and intriguing article. I have read a book in the past based on the American Revolutionary War. But I must tell, your article simplified and refreshed my memory as to what I read then. This is indeed a very good history website that should be visited by anyone and everyone. I am not an American but was interest all the same.

    Please keep up the good work because it worth all the time and effort you are putting in.

    1. I wanted to give a little history lesson about the Revolutionary War before I explained about this collection. There is a lot of useful guides and tips in this collection that can help you trace your ancestors. With a 64% saving it certainly is a good buy.

      This is just one collection I have featured on this website. There is the British, German and Irish collections that I have posted here. I will be adding more in the near future.

  2. I am not sure if I have ancestors fighting in the American Revolutionary War from 1775 to 1783 but probably not. I come from Norway. What would be interesting for me was to find out if I had ancestors fighting in the World War II. I know that my grandfather hid a radio for the German soldiers that were living in our city. I also know that my father and my aunt had German soldiers visiting their home. They were sitting on their lap eating chocolate. So not everything was negative by the War.

    Thanks for sharing information.


    1. You certainly have some interesting war stories there. I hope that you have written them down so that they can be preserved. If not then it would certainly be a good idea to do so.

  3. I have always been interested in the history of the US and whether or not I had family members here back then, specifically in the Revolutionary War. This is a great resource to help with finding answers to that!

    1. Glad you like this. It is definitely a useful resource for the family historian to trace his or her ancestry back to the Revolutionary War. There is just so much that you can learn from this guide. And the amount of information that you can get from using the techniques and strategies will really bring some interest to your family history.

  4. This is so interesting! I didn’t know you can trace your family history all the way back to the Revolutionary War. That is so cool if you can find a connection. I’ll sure want to check out the Colonial Ancestry Collection! Thank you so much.

    1. Not only can you trace your ancestors back to the Revolutionary War but also before it. Through this collection you may find your ancestors who migrated to the States. You maybe able find out if your ancestors fought in the war or contributed in some way with this collection.

    1. That’s right. We don’t know what we will find when we look into our family’s past. I guess that’s the joy of this hobby. It can throw up some interesting finds.

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