Symbols on a Coat of Arms

What Are The Symbols On A Coat of Arms?

I bet you’ve seen those fancy old designs and have wondered what they represent. What do these symbols on a coat of arms mean? Do they even really have a meaning associated with them?

Symbols on a Coat of Arms

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The designs can be quite colorful and can contain all sorts of animals and objects.

There’s so much packed in them and it will take a little while to explain all the different parts.

So, if you are interested in the symbols that make up a coat of arms then you are in the right place!

Meaning of symbols lost in time!

Coats of arms were granted hundreds of years ago. Their proper meaning therefore may have been lost in time. Even though the coat of arms was recorded the symbolic significance may not have been.

Credit:   Shadiversity

I will therefore try my best to list all of these different symbols and coloring, and what they mean.

So, please read on as I will discuss as best as I can about their symbols and their meanings.

If you are interested in finding what your family coat of arms, or crest, looks like then please check out my Find My Family Coat of Arms post.

There you will find resources where you can track down your coat of arms.

Discussed in this post:


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Colors, Arms, and Symbol Meanings

The Colors Signify Qualities in a Person

First of all the different tinctures (or colors) that are used on a coat of arms can mean different things about who they represent.

The “fur” is a tincture consisting of a color set with a pattern of shapes.

Colors of Coat of Arms

  • Argent (Silver or white) – Peace and sincerity
  • Azure (Blue) –  Truth and loyalty
  • Furs (Ermine, ermines, erminois, vair, counter vair, pean, potent, counter potent) – Dignity
  • Gules (Red) – Warrior or martyr; Military strength and magnanimity
  • Or (Gold or Yellow) – Generosity and elevation of the mind
  • Purpure (Purple) – Royal majesty, sovereignty, and justice
  • Sable (Black) – Constancy or grief
  • Sanguine or Murray (Maroon) – Patient in battle and yet victorious
  • Tawny or Tenne (Orange) – Worthy ambition
  • Vert (Green) –  Hope, joy, and loyalty in love

Colors may also be formed in several different patterns. These usually take the form of a sash, a band running through an existing color.

The Arms Represent the Four Elements

The arms on a coat of arms here consist of shaped lines. They can represent the four elements air, earth or land, fire, and water.

Arms can be found in the shield of the coat of arms.

Arms of Coat of Arms

  • Dancette – Water
  • Embattled – Walls of a fortress or town (also fire)
  • Engrailed – Earth or land
  • Indented – Fire
  • Invected – Earth or land
  • Nebuly – Clouds or air
  • Raguly – Difficulties that have been encountered
  • Wavy – Sea or water

Symbols Represent Each of the Father’s Sons

Symbols that are found within the shield of a coat of arms will signify the relationship to the original grantee, or father.

They are known as differences of marks of cadency. These can help you identify a particular branch of a family tree.

Symbols on Coat of Arms

  • Label – Eldest son
  • Crescent – Second son
  • Mullet (star) – Third son
  • Martlet (bird) – Fourth son
  • Annulet (ring) – Fifth son
  • Fleur-de-lis – Sixth son
  • Rose – Seventh son
  • Cross moline – Eighth son
  • Double quatrefoil (or octofoil) – Ninth son


Animals were also to be found on a coat of arms. They could be on the shield, on top of the helmet (the crest), or on either side of the coat of arms (the supporters).

Animals on Coat of Arms

Fierce and ferocious animals were particularly chosen and were positioned in combat postures.

They tended to represent positive traits such as loyalty, resourcefulness, or wisdom.

  • Ant – Great labor, wisdom, and providence in one’s affairs
  • Ass – Patience and humility
  • Bear – Strength, cunning, ferocity in the protection for family and friends
  • Beaver – Industry and perseverance
  • Boar or Boar’s head – Bravery and fights to the death. The head symbolizes hospitality
  • Buck – Someone who will not fight unless provoked; peace and harmony
  • Bull or Bull’s horns – Valor, bravery, and generosity. The head symbolizes strength and fortitude
  • Butterfly – Soul
  • Camel – Docility, patience, and perseverance
  • Cat – Liberty, vigilance, forecast, and courage
  • Chough – Strategist in battle; watchful for friends
  • Cock – Courage and perseverance; hero; able in politics
  • Crane – Close parental bond; vigilance if holding a rock
  • Cygnet – Where gorged with a crown around its neck this will signify dignity
  • Deer (same as Stag) – Someone who will not fight unless provoked; peace and harmony
  • Dolphin – Swiftness, diligence, salvation, charity, and love
  • Dove – Loving constancy and peace; the Holy Spirit; with an olive branch in its bill it signifies a harbinger of good tidings
  • Duck – Resourcefulness
  • Eagle – Person of noble nature, strength, bravery, and alertness; or one who is high-spirited, ingenious, quick-witted, and judicious.
  • Eagle displayed with wings spread – Protection
  • Eagle (two-headed) – Symbolizes conjoining forces
  • Elephant – Great strength, wit, longevity, happiness, royalty, good luck, and ambition
  • Escallop (seashell) – Traveller to far places or victorious naval commander
  • Fish – A true, generous mind; virtuous for himself and not because of his heritage; also unity with Christ, spiritual nourishment
  • Fox – Someone who will use all of their wisdom and wit in their defense
  • Gannet – Someone who has to subsist by virtue and merit
  • Goat – Political ability
  • Goose – Resourcefulness
  • Grasshopper – Noble and home-bred
  • Greyhound – Courage, vigilance, and loyalty
  • Hare – Someone who enjoys a peaceable and retired life
  • Hawk or Falcon – Someone who does not rest until they have achieved their goal or objective
  • Hedgehog – Provident provider
  • Horse – Readiness for all employments for king and country
  • Lamb – Gentleness and patience under suffering. A lamb carrying a staff or banner with a cross is a paschal lamb that represents faith, innocence, bravery, gentleness, purity, and a resolute spirit
  • Leopard – Valiant and hardy warrior who enterprises hazardous things by force and courage
  • Lion – Dauntless courage
  • Mule – Often borne by abbots and abbesses who have pastoral jurisdiction, but not real jurisdiction
  • Mullet – Divine quality from above; the mark of the third son
  • Ostrich – Willing obedience and serenity
  • Otter – Someone who lives life to the fullest
  • Ox – Valor and generosity
  • Panther – Fierce but tender and loving to children and will defend her children with her life
  • Peacock – Beauty, power, and knowledge
  • Pelican – Self-sacrifice and charitable nature
  • Rabbit – Peaceable and retired life
  • Ram – Authority
  • Raven – Divine providence
  • Rhinoceros – Ferocious when aroused
  • Salamander – Protection
  • Serpent or Snake – Wisdom
  • Snail – Deliberation and perseverance
  • Spider – Wisdom, labor, and prudence
  • Squirrel – Lover of the woods
  • Stag – Someone who will not fight unless provoked
  • Stag’s antlers – The antlers symbolize peace and harmony; strength and fortitude
  • Stork – Filial duty; close parental bond; holding a rock; vigilance
  • Swallow – Someone who is prompt and ready in doing business; also bringer of good news
  • Swan – Poetic harmony and learning or lover thereof; signifies light, love, grace, sincerity and perfection
  • Tiger – Fierceness, and valor; resentment; dangerous if aroused
  • Tortoise – Invulnerability to attack
  • Wolf – Reward from perseverance in long sieges and/or hard industry

Celestial Beings and Crosses

Any form of a cross that is found on the crest may indicate some Christian experience or sentiment.

There may also appear an angel or some other similar celestial being that will represent dignity, glory, and honor.

Crosses on Coat of Arms

  • Angel or Cherub – Dignity, glory, and honor; missionary; bearer of joyful news
  • Cross – Faith; service in the Crusades
  • Cross (Celtic) – Unity of heaven and earth
  • Cross-Crosslet (crossed at each end) – Signifies the fourfold mystery of the cross
  • Cross-Fitchée (cross pointed at base) – A combination of cross and sword; unshakeable faith
  • Cross-Flory (cross flowered at each end) – Someone who has conquered
  • Cross-Maltese (cross with eight points) – Blessings; a badge of Knights Hospitaller
  • Cross-Moline – The mutual converse of human society (said to represent a millstone)
  • Cross-Pattée or cross-formée (cross which has arms narrow at the center) – Military honor
  • Cross-Raguly – Difficulties encountered
  • Seraphim (angel with three pairs of wings) – Dignity, glory, and honor; missionary; bearer of joyful news

Flowers and Fruit

Any flower that is found on a coat of arms will represent hope and joy. The appearance of fruit meanwhile will represent felicity and peace.

Certain flora will have a more specific meaning.

Flowers on Coat of Arms

  • Acacia branch or leaves – Eternal and affectionate remembrance
  • Apple – Liberality, felicity, and peace
  • Bay leaves – Poet or victor’s laurel
  • Berries – Liberality, felicity, and peace
  • Carnation – Admiration
  • Civic Wreath (of oak leaves and acorns) – Someone who saved a fellow citizen’s life or showed patriotism in defense of someone’s native land
  • Cypress – Death and eternal life thereafter
  • Grapes – Liberality, felicity, and peace; also associated with wine-making
  • Holly – Truth
  • Ivy – Strong and lasting friendship
  • Laurel leaves – Peace and/or triumph
  • Lily – Purity
  • Marigold – Devotion and piety
  • Oaktree, leaves, or bush – Great age and strength
  • Olive branch or leaves – Peace and concordance
  • Pears – Felicity and peace
  • Pine – Death and eternal life thereafter
  • Pinecone – Life
  • Pomegranate – Fertility, and abundance
  • Rose – Mark of cadency of the seventh son
  • Rose Red – Grace and beauty
  • Rose White – Love and faith
  • Shamrock – Perpetuity; the flower of Ireland

Mythological Creatures

Occasionally mythological creatures did appear on a coat of arms and the crests. These held particular significance in heraldry.

Creatures on Coat of Arms

  • Centaur – Eminence in the field of battle
  • Cockatrice – Terror to all beholders
  • Dragon/wyvern (a dragon with only two legs) – Valiant defender of treasure; valor and protection
  • Griffin (head, wings, and talons of an eagle with the body of a lion) – Valor and death-defying bravery; vigilance
  • Harpy (virgin’s face, neck, and breast with the body of a lion) – Ferocity under provocation
  • Hydra (a dragon with seven heads) – Conquest of a very powerful enemy
  • Mermaid – Eloquence
  • Pegasus – Poetic genius and inspiration; the messenger of God
  • Phoenix – Symbol of resurrection
  • Sphinx – Omniscience, and secrecy
  • Unicorn – Extreme courage; virtue and strength


Objects may have also featured anywhere on the coat of arms. They had many different meanings which added more uniqueness to the arms as well as identifying the person or family.

Objects on Coat of Arms

  • Agricultural tools – Laboring in the earth and depending upon providence
  • Anchor – Hope; religious steadfastness
  • Anvil – Honor
  • Arrow – Readiness for battle; if depicted with a cross this represents an affliction
  • Axe (or Battle Axe) – Execution of military duty
  • Banners – Special action in which bearer was captured, or a reward for valiant service
  • Bar, Barry, or Barrulet – Someone who sets the bar of conscience, religion, and honor against angry passions and evil temptations
  • Baton – Authority
  • Bells – Power to disperse evil spirits. A hawk’s bell denotes one who was not afraid of signaling his approach in peace or war
  • Bones – Mortality
  • Book – Open – manifestation; closed – counsel
  • Bow – Readiness for battle
  • Bridge – Governor or magistrate
  • Broom – Humility
  • Buckle – Victorious fidelity in authority
  • Cannon and Cannon Balls – Someone who has dared the terror of such a weapon in battle
  • Chains – Reward for acceptable and weighty service. With crowns and collars, this suggests the bearer bore the chain of obligation or obliged others because of services done
  • Column – Fortitude and constancy; with a serpent coiled around it this means wisdom with fortitude
  • Cup (covered) – Office of the king’s butler
  • Drum – Ready for war
  • Feathers – Obedience and serenity
  • Fleur-de-lis – Purity; light; a floral badge of France; represents the sixth son as a mark of difference
  • Flint – Readiness for zealous service
  • Fountain – Water or a spring
  • Grenade – Someone who has dared the terror of such a weapon in battle
  • Hand/red hand – Pledge of faith, sincerity, and justice; two right hands conjoined represent union and alliance/mark of a baronet
  • Harp – Well-composed person of tempered judgment; contemplation; a mystical bridge between heaven and earth
  • Horns – Strength and fortitude
  • Horseshoe – Good luck and safeguard against evil spirits
  • Hourglass – Flight of time; mortality
  • Hunting Horn – Someone who is fond of the chase; of high spirits
  • Keys – Guardianship and dominion
  • Letters – May represent great battles or tournaments beginning with that letter
  • Pen – Art of writing and educated employment
  • Pipes – Festivity and rejoicing
  • Plume of feathers – Sign of willing obedience and serenity of mind
  • Portcullis – Protection in an emergency
  • Rock – Safety, and protection; refuge
  • Saddle – Preparedness for active service
  • Scallop shell – Traveller to far places or victorious naval commander
  • Scythe – The hope of a fruitful harvest
  • Ship – Sea voyages
  • Skull – Mortality
  • Sphere – Geographical or scientific reference
  • Stirrup – Readiness for active service
  • Sword/dagger/dart – Justice and military honor
  • Table – Hospitality
  • Tent – Readiness for battle
  • Torch – Life; zealousness; engaging in signal service; truth and intelligence
  • Trumpet – Ready for war
  • Wheel – Fortune
  • Wheel (Catherine) – Torture

Find My Family Coat of Arms – Where To Find Yours?!

By now you should know all about the symbols that are featured on a coat of arms. To find your family’s coat of arms you could check out the College of Arms in London, England, or The American College of Heraldry in the United States.

Or why not check out the following sites and resources to find out yourself?

House of Names – Great Gifts Featuring Your Coat of Arms!

The House of Names website is your first choice if you want to discover your family’s coat of arms.


They can not only show you what your family’s arms look like but they also sell cool products such as mousepads, hats, jewelry, shirts, mugs, and many more!

Why buy from House of Names?

  • Free shipping is offered to residents of North America if the order is over $85 US.
  • International shipping, however, there is a delay of 5-10 weeks, so bare this in mind when ordering from overseas.
  • All products are given a 100% satisfaction guarantee, so if you are not satisfied with the quality, condition, or workmanship then you can return the product.
  • Return shipping charges may apply unless there has been an order error or error in shipping.

Please note: This site will offer you a single coat of arms heraldry design for your surname.

This is despite that arms are inherited through the family tree and symbols are usually added by descendants.

What can you discover from House of Names?

Research has been carried out since 1968 by the in-house team to deliver to you the oldest known version of your family’s coat of arms.

Bear in mind though that therefore there is no such thing as a unique coat of arms for a surname.

You can also find out the history of your surname, notable people with your last name, and different spellings of your name.

This is particularly useful for you if you want to find records about your ancestors but are not getting results.

What are the extras?

There is even a free section at the House of Names site. Here you can download coloring booklets, which is good to keep the kids entertained for hours, or even yourself for that matter.

There is also a blank family tree form so you can use that to trace your ancestry three generations back. And finally, there is a Design your Coat of Arms booklet with 11 different designs.

You get to draw what you want in the shield.

How cool is that?

If you decide to buy anything from this site then please come back and let me know what you think. I would love to hear from you.

Discover Your Family’s Coat of Arms!

And buy cool products too!

House of Names Review

Check Out House of Names Now!

Amazon – Two Excellent Books on Heraldry

I highly recommend these 2 books if you are interested in the world of heraldry. They both contain more than 200 pages and are fully illustrated.

And they both discuss the origins and the development of the coat of arms and its uses in the modern world.

The Illustrated Book of Heraldry: An International History of Heraldry and Its Contemporary Uses

A great introduction to heraldry. This book is full of information and a ton of colorful illustrations. Even if you do get stuck with some of the wording there is a glossary at the back that will help you.

So, if you want to know how coats of arms evolved then this book is for you.


Heraldry: Understanding Signs and Symbols

This is another go-to book for anyone interested in heraldry. The complex imagery that makes up a coat of arms is examined.

Modern-day examples are given and are broken down, so you can see what each different part means.



Check Out A Full Review Here – Another Site Offering Great Products!

The website contains nearly 1,000 different coats of arms. You can have your very own coat of arms on a T-shirt, mug, phone, or tablet cover.

Coat of Arms DB

They also offer genealogy search packages that will help you with your family’s coat of arms.

Thank You and Please Leave A Comment

I hope you enjoyed this article explaining what are the symbols on a coat of arms. If you have any questions or comments then please leave a comment below.

Please share with family and friends if you think this post will help others by using the social media buttons below.

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Symbols On A Coat of Arms Explained
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61 thoughts on “What Are The Symbols On A Coat of Arms?”

  1. Owain, your knowledge of your subject is breathtaking! I’m researching the Swedish Johnsons and a couple of things have me scratching my head. It’s the only C/A I’ve come across that has a square where the traditional shield is. In the square is a white swan and 4 white circles. I know the swan is a Royal Swan so having it on the c/a must be important . But the 4 circles? My guess is that they represent Viking shields all together for the first time in history – the 1397 Kalmar Union. Am I on the right track?
    Grahame McMahon

  2. Owain the MacLellan coat of arms is interesting and I have researched the reason’s of the head on the sword. My question is in regards to the soldier and horse on the family crest. Do they have any specific reason as shield supporters?

    1. Hi Rob,

      Thank you for your query. The horse readiness for all employments for king and country. I am unsure as to what the soldier represents but I would imagine that it could mean that they have fought in battle.

      Hope this answers your question.

  3. Very cool! I was thinking today at the gym what would be a unique tattoo idea! Something unique to me! Surprised what there is available! Very interesting stuff!
    Enjoyed it immensely!

  4. Hi Owain,
    I appreciated the depth of your research for the coat of arms, it really helps. I have been looking on the internet for the Pim coat of arms and only found one image of it but without detail or description. Would you know more about what it represents?

    Thank you.

    1. Hi Sinclair,

      I usually go to House of Names when I want to check out coats of arms for family names within my tree. The arms on this site are the first known examples within their family name.

      I found the Pin coat of arms on the site, and wondered whether it matched what you had found.

      The yellow color means geneoristy and elevation of the mind, and blue means truth and loyalty.

      Bull or Bull’s horns – Valor, bravery and generosity. The head symbolizes strength and fortitude.

      If you want more information you could contact House of Names.

      Hope this helps,

  5. Hi Owain,
    Your site is fascinating, lots of helpful information. On my families coat of arms it has fret/persuasion on the shield. What exactly does that mean? Can you help?? Thanks, Karen

    1. Hi Karen,

      Thanks for liking my site. Coats of arms are not my speciality but I’ll help as much as I can.

      The fret as you may know are interlocking lines. This pattern or fret symbolises love and also persuasion. Apart from that I don’t know anymore.

      I have come across a definition of fret over at House of Names.

      You could email them and ask them for further details.

      I’m sorry I couldn’t be of more help.

      Kind regards,

  6. Hello Owain.
    I am the appointed Town Crier for a small town in Mid Wales and I am trying to help the Town Council to create a coat of arms.
    I have found your site very helpful in understanding the symbols and iconography but now need help in drafting a crest.
    Can you give any help or guidance please?
    Kind regards.

    1. Hi David,

      I’m very sorry that I did not get back to you sooner. My message system doesn’t seem to be working.

      To answer your question you would be better off contacting the College of Arms in the UK.

      Hope this helps. Please let me know how you get on.

      Kind regards,

  7. The symbols on the coat of arms always meant something that characterized the clan or dynasty of the owner of this coat of arms.

  8. Hi Owain,
    I am doing a research paper and I am using your site. Do you mind telling me on what day this was posted and what your last name is for the bibliography. that would be a huge help.

    1. Hi Reese,

      Thank you for contacting me and including this site in your research paper. This particular post was created November 2016, and updated April 2018. The Genealogy Guide was created in June 2016.

      Hope this helps and all the best with your paper.
      Owain Couch

      1. Hi Owain,
        Thank you so much for getting back to me. You have been a huge help. On an unrelated note I am really into genealogy and I was wondering if you know of a free site for a family tree. I have a couple already, but they stop me from getting to far and then just want money or a subscription. I am on Family Tree and Ancestry at the moment.
        Thanks So Much

      2. You’re welcome Reese. The best free site that I can suggest to you is Family Search. I have used it myself and have found a lot of information about my ancestors.

        Although it is free there won’t be as much information on there as the paid ones. You could visit you’re local library and use their computers. There you should get access to genealogy sites such as Ancestry and Find My Past. That is one way that I have utilized to research my family tree for free.

        Hope this helps.

  9. Hi, Owain
    I would really like to know where i am really from. I have looked it up and it has told me that I am German and a lot of other things.

  10. Hello! I know my family coat of arms (Xavier – Navarre), but I can’t find an explanation of the symbology. None of the items features are I explained in any heraldic lists I have seen. I am hoping you can help! Thanks in advance.

    1. Hi Barbara, thanks for the query. The best option for you would be to check out House of Names.

      They have been researching coats of arms for over 50 years and have a dedicated research team who can help you.

      Just click on the Contact Us link that you’ll find at the bottom right of the page.

      Hope this helps and please let me know how you go.

  11. i have a old picture of a coat of arms for my famly name picking. my dad got it almost 40 years ago. its a bit little diffrent then whats listed on house of names website. i am thinking of getting a tattoo of it on my arm cause i really like it. i am just wondering which one is right. if you would like to see the old picture of out coat of arms email me and i will send it to you. i find all of this stuff very intresting.

    1. Hi Johnny,

      That’s great that you are so interested in your family’s coat of arms, and that you are willing to get a tattoo of it.

      The House of Names site have the earliest form of arms for surnames, so probably you have a different version.

      Please use the form on the Contact Me. Once you message me then I will reply and you will have my email address to send me your copy of your arms.

      Sorry but I don’t like to give out my email here because of spam. Hope you understand.

      Look forward hearing from you.

  12. Also Owain
    I have a picture of a coat of arms that you must see!!!
    Please email me so I can show you!!
    It’s really something!

  13. I’m not even kidding.
    Marry me?!!!!


    We are meant!



    And anyway I’d be a fascinating friend

    I’m a living breathing genealogical family tree search sucesss story

    It’s astonishing who some of my ancestors are and it’s not just one or two

    Its insane!

    I am descended from the first Viking Kings and their wives ….

    The first Frankish king marcomin van thoxandrie from the year 220

    Notables abound!

    William the conqueror for crying out loud

    Matilda of Flanders

    Poor Mary Queen of Scots

    Henry the murderer

    Elizabeth 1

    Bloody Mary

    As well as sir Brereton husband if phillipa Hulse

    And others executed under a the tyranny of Henry
    I have line coming from Margaret Plantagenet as well as Catherine Plantagenet who married de Courtenay

    And via both my parents I have 2 entirely separate lines going to James of Scotland

    It’s so cunfusing like finding my way through an overgrown rose vine!

    I just never realized these people’s personal relationships and how they literally played a part in shaping history

    Until I started researching them

    Because I’m descended from them

    But I’m beginning to see many pictures more clearly about how it is my 16 times great grandmother Margaret if Salisbury came to be imprisioned and beheaded on the order of Henry the ahole murderer and also how later Henry had executed sir Brereton my ancestor executed
    Claiming he (and others )were having an affair with Anne Boylen

    And how margrets son writing such scathing things about Henry the murderer
    And all his doings

    And it’s my understanding that at first he’s the same guy who tried to help Henry in his desire to persuade the catholic church for a divorce from Catherine of Aragon once upon a time ….

    But later chastised him somehow about the Anne Boylen thing

    So he killed the guys 67 year old MOM?!!

    He had no trouble mirdering to get his way

    Yikes anyway it’s a lot to learn about ones self …. I’ve barely scratched the surface but even today I noticed that yet another one of Margaret’s sons was accused of plotting somehow against Henry along with holy Roman emperor Charles
    (And THAT guy is in my tree as well!)
    On fathers moms line side

    Omg it’s so tangled !

    But I’m seeing such e tremendous drama in that history

    But it haunts the living daylights out of me that after reading about the wives of Henry the ahole … I was so intrigued by her and her close relationship with her step daughters Mary and Elizabeth and how brave or crazy she was anyway in 1991 named my baby daughter Catherine
    After Catherine parr !!!! Maybe it was simply because She somehow survived him.

    But god the conspiracy didn’t end when two weeks later she married Thomas Seymour!!
    And nine months later dies in childbirth and after THAT Thomas goes after step daughter Elizabeth
    Causing her conspiracy problems and locked up in the tower but later is found innocent freed but old man Thomas Seymour lost his head I think


    From Charlemagne on down holy Roman emperors it seems you name it

    I have blue blood ancestors and I know I don’t even know the HALF of it.


    Marry me and we will live love laugh and do Geneology till we die having lived an long life!

    Can you see why we would make great friends!

    We both find this stuff fascinating!!

    Marry me and we will live happily ever after!!!

    1. Hi Cheley,

      Thanks for the offer but I am happily married to the most wonderful woman in the world. And also have two beautiful girls, with another on the way.

      You really have a rich ancestry and I love how you are intrigued with researching Henry VIII.

      There is certainly a lot to research, and who knows what you will discover.

      All the best and good luck with your genealogy research.

      1. You’re welcome Cheley. Please check out the rest of my site, and if you like what you see please share with family and friends. Would really appreciate it.

        Thank you,

    1. Thank you Nermal for your kind words. That’s lovely.

      Hope you enjoyed this post and found it interesting. You can even create your own designs which I find is pretty cool as well.

    1. I am glad Lord Beerus that you have had such a positive meaning to your family name. If you’re proud to show it then why not get a T Shirt or a mug with your coat of arms on. Please check out House of Names where they got cool products and sales from time to time 😉

  14. I find it interesting that the unicorn represents courage, virtue, and strength on a coat of arms. A friend of mine searched their family crest and they had a unicorn on theirs. I’m sure that having a physical coat of arms posted on a wall in your home could impress guests.

    1. Yep Levticus a coat of arms displayed on your wall can look impressive. Also, the many other different kinds of products with your arms on are really cool. There are so many different ones out there. I got my father coasters with the Couch coat of arms and he loves them.

      A family tree wall decal is also pretty impressive as well. And not only do they look great but they can be a good talking point with your guests.

      1. Hello Owain. What is the best site for me to find out more about where my family comes from and what coat of arms represents them! Thx! xox

      2. Hi Molly,

        The best site to discover your family roots would be Ancestry. The site has proved invaluable to me.

        As for your family’s coat of arms you’ll have to go to House of Names. There you can find out interesting facts and information about your family, as well as your coat of arms.

        Hope that helps and all the best.

  15. Hi, just read your introduction to Genealogy so I kind of have an idea what you are talking about. How do you go about finding which color represents you and your family? Is it like or something?

  16. this is very interesting post Owain, I think I need lots of vert and pears in these days 🙂 ı wonder that could these people select coat of arms or was it just random?

    1. My previous post What Is Coat of Arms explains this process. It all began with knights who would decorate themselves in order for them to be identified.

      This then evolved over time, and father’s would pass on their coat of arms to their sons, albeit some small alteration.

  17. Dude I totally loved this post!! My wanted a tattoo of our coat of arms but I had trouble finding it. But found it with no problem using the link you provided. Very cool indeed!

  18. Wow!

    Now this is what we call helpful and interesting.

    Especially for my dad and brothers as they are very interested in this “kind” of stuff.

    Your post is laid out very well, you have included some relevant pictures with bullet points which fits in nicely.

    I also love how much knowledge and effort you’re putting into your posts.

    Thanks Owain =)

    1. I try and cover all bases when it comes to my posts. This one took especially long to write up, but it was a joy to feature on my site.

      Please show your dad and brothers. And if there’s anything that you think that they may like on this site then please feel free to comment or ask them to contact me.


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